The eZo Deals Pipeline

eZo PipelineOne of the real strengths of eZo is that it is so closely integrated with HubSpot.  This means that data generated via eZo is saved inside our customers' HubSpot portals and not on our own servers. 

It is worth re-iterating that all Customers are saved as Contacts inside your CRM and Orders are saved as Deals.  

This makes it easy to manage customers through the HubSpot CRM but it also means access to your store's data to analyse key trends, monitor performance through Dashboards & Reports and set up automated Workflows for marketing, sales or even operational purposes.

The "All New eZo Deals Pipeline"

At eZo we are always working to improve the platform for our customers as we are extremely passionate about helping our customers to sell more and ultimately grow their business.

One such change is the new "eZo Deals Pipeline".   In order to support some cool new features, we have recently revised the pipeline and to avoid any breaking changes we will be implementing the new pipeline and automatically migrating all existing deals from the old "eZo Pipeline" to the new "eZo Deals Pipeline".

The table below summarizes the new Stages & Status and we have provided detailed explanations for each stage below.

Order Stages

Order Status


-  Payment Incomplete
-  Order Abandoned
-  Payment Pending
-  Payment Failed


-  Fulfillment Pending
-  Fulfillment Processing
-  Partially Fulfilled


-  In Transit
-  Partially Delivered


-  Order Complete
-  Order Disputed
-  Order Cancelled


-  Order Saved



Payment Stage


The Payment Stage is the first stage in the eZo Pipeline and occurs when a customer interacts with the Payment Form on the eZo Shopping Cart.

  • Payment Incomplete

When a customer clicks proceed on the Review page on the eZo Shopping Cart they will arrive at the Payment Form.

At this point eZo will set up a Contact Record for the order in your CRM (using the address details they have supplied) and create a Deal in the "eZo Deals Pipeline".

If the customer leaves the Shopping Cart at this point and does not complete the Payment Form the order will remain in the Payment Stage with a status of "Payment Incomplete".


   Did You Know?

If you don't want Payment Stage Deals cluttering up your eZo Order Listing page you can now hide all Payment Stage deals at the flick of a switch.  

To do this please visit your eZo Admin area:  Settings >> Orders >> Order Preferences.  Here you will find a new section called "Hide Payment Stage".  Simply toggle the switch to ON and Payment Stage deals will no longer appear inside your eZo Portal.  

NB eZo will continue to log these orders inside the eZo Deals Pipeline, you just won't see them inside your eZo Portal.

Hide Payment Stage


  • Order Abandoned

Once a "Payment Incomplete" deal has been at incomplete for a period of time you can now automatically move this deal to "Order Abandoned".  Even better than this, you can also set the time period regarding when this will occur.

To do this please visit your eZo Admin area:  Settings >> Orders >> Order Preferences and in the section called "Abandoned Orders" set the number of hours you would like to elapse before an Incomplete deal moves to Abandoned.

An interval of 1 hour to 24 hours can be set using this feature.

  • Payment Pending

Payment Pending is a new Status which highlights when a payment has been made via payment methods such as SEPA or AFFIRM.  With normal credit card payments the payment is usually reconciled almost instantaneously, however, with payment methods such as SEPA or AFFIRM, eZo will receive a payment confirmation message from Stripe at the time to say that the payment has been confirmed.  Reconciliation can, however, take a number of days to take place.  As such, eZo has introduced the "Payment Pending" status which will hold the order until the funds have been received.

Please Note:  if you have Payment Stage orders switched off, you have an additional option to keep orders with a status of "Payment Pending" visible in your eZo portal.  This will allow you to keep tabs on payments made via SEPA or AFFIRM. To do this, simply visit the "Hide Payment Stage" section in your eZo Admin Settings and toggle "Show 'Payment Pending' Order" to ON.

Show Payment Pending

  • Payment Failed

If a payment has failed, for example, a credit card has expired on a subscription order, the order will be moved to the "Payment Failed" status.  This will be a useful status for customers using eZo for orders such as this as a workflow could be used to automatically contact the customer requesting that they update their card details.



Fulfillment Stage


Once payment has been received an order will move to the "Fulfillment" Stage on the eZo Deals Pipeline.

  • Fulfillment Pending

The first Fulfillment Status an order will receive is "Fulfillment Pending".  The order will remain at "Fulfillment Pending" until the store owner interacts with the order and commences the Shipping process.

  • Fulfillment Processing

Fulfillment Processing is a new status added to facilitate Shipments that a user has not had time to finish.  For example, having viewed a new Order inside eZo and clicked the "Begin Fulfillment" button the eZo user may have started to fill in the details for the shipment but they need to step away from their desk or perhaps obtain a Shipment Tracking Code.  

If the user closes the Fulfillment modal with only some details completed they will be advised that they have unsaved changes and asked if they would like to Save the Shipment as it is in its unfinished state.  They can return at a later date and their original information will be there and they can complete the remaining details and Create the Shipment.

An order such as this will be saved with the status "Fulfillment Pending", however, please note, if other Shipments have been created on this order already it will be saved with the status "Partially Fulfilled".  The original premise will remain however and saved shipment details can be kept for the future use.

  • Partially Fulfilled

One of the features of eZo is that Store owners have the option to make partial fulfillments.

For example, if a specific item is on long term back order it may make sense for the store owner to ship any items in stock and then ship the outstanding item(s) at a later date.

If more than one Shipment is created it will be saved as "Partially Fulfilled" until the first Delivery has been made.  At this point the order will move to "Partially Delivered".


Delivery Stage


Once a user begins to Fulfill an Order and they Create A Shipment the Order will move to the Delivery stage.  The Delivery Stage has two Status, "In Transit" and "Partially Delivered".

  • In Transit

If a Shipment has been created the Order will move to the Delivery Stage with the "In Transit" status.  This, as you would imagine, indicates that the Order is out for delivery but it has not yet been delivered.

When a Store Owner is setting up their eZo portal one of the tasks they need to complete, if they are selling Physical Products, is to set up a "Shipping Rates" table.

During this process they will also set up the "Delivery Options" they would like to offer their customers as they move through the eZo Shopping Cart and an "estimated time for delivery" for each of these options.

Depending on the delivery option chosen by the customer whilst they are making the order, this will be populated on the "Fulfillment Modal" as the store owner creates the shipment.

The store owner can keep this estimated time or decide to override this "estimated time for delivery" (😎 cool new feature) and once the Shipment has been created eZo will count down the days until the delivery has been made.

The shipment tab on the eZo Order page will show that the item has been delivered, however, the order will automatically be moved to the "Complete Stage" on the eZo Deals Pipeline.

  • Partially Delivered

If several Shipments have been created, eZo will set up and track individual counters for each specific Shipment.  Once the counter has been completed on one of these Shipments the Order Status will move to "Partially Delivered".



Complete Stage


The Complete Stage is the terminal state for the eZo Deals Pipeline and will record that the Order is now completed.

  • Order Complete

As mentioned in the last section, once all Shipments have been marked as Delivered, eZo will automatically move the order to the Complete Stage and with the status "Order Complete".  

This indicates that the order is now complete.

  • Order Disputed

The "Order Disputed" Status is used if a customer has disputed an Order with their Payment Provider.  The Order will therefore be marked as "Order Disputed" indicating that further action is required.

We would recommend that if this occurs you log into your Stripe Account to find out further details, decide on your next course of action and submit any evidence required.

Some unscrupulous customers can use the Disputes process to defraud Store Owners so we would advise caution, however, Stripe does provides a number of support documents and videos to help guide you through this process.

  • Order Cancelled

Previously, eZo only allowed orders to be cancelled whilst they were at the Payment Stage, i.e. no money had been received so rather than leaving the order in this state we allowed the store owner to cancel and then archive the order.

With the "eZo Deals Pipeline" an Order may now be Cancelled at any Stage or Status as this removes any barrier to a specific use case that a store owner may have.  There is now a new "Cancel" button on the 'Activity Bar' if you click to view the eZo Order itself.

There will also be the option to Cancel an order by clicking on the "Cog" on the "Order List" page and selecting the Cancel button and for batch cancellations the multi-select buttons may be used to Cancel a number of orders at the same time.

Cancelled Orders will move to the "Complete" Stage with the status "Order Cancelled".


Order Saved Stage


The "Order Saved" stage relates specifically to the eZo "Order Saved" feature and will only be used until these circumstances.


Pseudo Status

To keep things simple eZo has two what we call "Pseudo Status" for both Refunded and Archived Orders.

Whilst not technically a Stage or a Status, we have added Refunds and Archived Orders to the Dropdown Filters on the Order Listing page.

This makes it very easy for store owners to find their Refunds and Archived Orders.


To view Refunds simply click on "Refunds" in the Status dropdown list and eZo will return a list of all refunds for that particular time period.

Another useful aide memoire for Refunded Orders is that a partially Refunded Order will receive a light shading across the entire order on the Order List View, whereas a fully refunded order will receive a darker shading.


In eZo you can only archive an Order if it is in a terminal state, i.e. it is in the Complete Stage. In other words if an Order is Cancelled, Disputed or Complete it can be Archived and will be removed from general view.  

As Archived Orders are hidden from view they can only be viewed by selecting the "Archive" filter on the Order View page.


We hope you have found this detailed explanation of the eZo Deals Pipeline helpful.  If you gave any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.